Public Equities

Seamans Holdings has defined a sensitive, balanced investment approach that keeps our investors ahead of market trends while realizing responsible growth and steady income. We focus on concentrated portfolios, primarily comprised of public equities with sterling financial and operational performance that demonstrate predictable margin and revenue growth.

Seamans Holdings does not rely on leverage and maintains strict limits on sector allocations in every type of portfolio in order to ensure that our investors are never overexposed to risk.

New Era Technologies

Our New Era Technologies Income product originated from our desire to create a balanced investment opportunity that can create greater stability during periods of volatility, but one that also allows for significant growth potential at the same time. We focus on companies that provide essential services and essential technologies that people need, use and pay for on a reocurring basis. We focus on agriculture, water, clean energy, clean transportation, waste management and the technologies that make peoples personal and business lives more efficient, productive and cost effective.


Our Global Opportunities product’s objective is to produce long-term capital growth through investments in developing companies with a focus on mining and specialized technology. For this fund, we use proprietary cycle analysis and quantitative systems to identify significant trends and changes within sectors and markets. This product emphasizes businesses and industries that drive growth through development, explora- tion, and R&D, and whose competitive products and positioning make them appealing targets for acquisition. In certain circumstances, cash and inverse market or sector ETFs may be used to mitigate volatility.

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